Dog Grooming
A full-service groom includes: a deep-cleaning bath and coat conditioner, brush, nail trim and file, ear cleaning and of course, a cut and style based on AKC breed standards or the style of your choice.
Your dog will be with the same groomer from the the start of the groom to the finish. Our groomers work only on one dog at a time, no one is sitting around waiting for their turn. This one-on-one attention that your dog gets with its groomer creates a trusting and secure relationship. It’s fun to watch the dogs follow their groomer all around the salon while they are waiting for their ride home!
We do ask that you drop off at the appointment time and pick up as soon as your groomer calls you. The dogs know when their groom is over and get excited to go home. Your timely pick up will also allow the groomer to give one-on-one attention the their next client.
Price varies with size, style and condition of coat.

Puppy Grooming
This Special groom for puppies six months of age and under includes the same services as an adult groom; bath and coat conditioner, brushing, nail clipping and ear cleaning, and coat trim.
We spend extra time with puppies to teach them what grooming is all about. We want them to not be afraid of buzzy tools and to know how to stand still for the entire groom. Sometimes a puppy needs a short break or some play time to keep him happy, we plan for that in our schedule.
As soon as your puppy has had all the ‘puppy shots’ from your veterinarian, he or she is ready for the first grooming experience. The younger she is when we start teaching her about grooming, the more she will like it when she gets older. The first groom may consist of just a bath, nail trim, a ride up and down on our tables and a few treats to make it even more fun!

Cat Grooming
Cats are special. We have groomers that are very experienced keeping cats calm during their groom. Cats prefer to be groomed as quickly as possible so they can return home and resume their important cat duties. They also want a quiet and mellow grooming environment, so we try to schedule cats for the first groom in the morning or when we know we have very quiet and polite dogs in the salon.
Cat grooms can be just a comb out and light tidy or a full ‘Lion-cut’. We can also give your cat a bath (if it is willing). Including the bath with the groom will lengthen the time your cat is with us, as we want to be sure he or she is totally dry before sending him home. All cat grooms include a nail trim and ear cleaning.
Give us a call with questions. 608-257-8387

Nail Clipping and Filing
Dogs nails should be kept short, if not properly maintained, long nails could make it difficult or painful for your dog to walk. How do you know if the nails are too long? The nails should not touch the floor when the dog is standing. At Rufus DuMonde we clip all nails and file them smooth with each full-service groom. We are also happy to clip and file nails if you just drop by. If you can, give us a call to let us know you are on your way. 608-257-8387.

Tooth Brushing
Keep your dog’s teeth clean and breath fresh with a tooth brushing. Your dog’s teeth should be brushed daily, once a week at a minimum, hopefully you are doing this at home. Regular brushing will help to keep your dogs teeth and gums healthy. At Rufus DuMonde we can add a good brushing into your scheduled grooming appointment. An additional fee will be added to your groom price.

Deshedding Treatment
Is your dog shedding like crazy? Many dogs “blow” their coat twice a year with the changing of the seasons. This can be a frustrating time for those dog families. To reduce the heavy shedding, your best bet is to get a deshedding treatment for your dog. At Rufus DuMonde we can help you with the shedding. We have a shampoo and conditioner treatment that will take a lot of that fur off right in our tub, we follow that with a drying and fur loosing process using our hand held power blowers, and finished up with a deep brushing. Leave the fur with us!
An additional fee will be added to your groom price.